Hyderabad resident Deepthi Narkuti is making headlines for bagging a job at the multinational teach giant Microsoft with a stupendous salary of Rs 2 crore per annum. Selected as a software development engineer grade-2 group at Microsoft, Deepthi will be working at the company’s headquarters in Seattle, USA. Deepthi had been fielding offers from several offers from AAA-rated companies that lined up for her even before she could complete her postgraduate studies in MS (Computers) from the University of Florida. These companies included Amazon, Goldman and Sachs. After much consideration, Deepthi decided to take up the job offered by Microsoft. She is set to join the company on May 17. She had earlier worked as Microsoft Student Associate in 2014-2015. According to The Hans India Deepthi has received the highest annual salary package among the 300 students who got placed during the campus interview at the University of Florida But this is not the first time Deepthi has h...
Why Muscles breakdown due to exercise Many of the people go for regular exercise but sometimes they feel that their muscles are paining they think this is due to over exercise but it is wrong, there are many factors for muscle paining. 1. Muscle pains in beinging of exercise There are many people who even start exercise but all of sudden they start to do exercise, they don't even follow any guidelines by experience people. These people's body in stable state before they are going to start exercising when they start exercises their muscles are disturbed due to these disturbance some of the muscles would breakdown and some of them are replaced their positions due to this their muscles get pained. 2. Muscle pain due to over weight. During exercises people going to lift weights in gyms or in home by any means, if they lift particular weights doesn't problem but sometimes they lift weights behind their ability it leads to severe muscle pain. If we lift weights o...