Bjp candidate's for upcoming elections Delhi: Bharatiya janatha party (bjp) has released list of candidates for the upcoming elections in Madhya Pradesh and Telangana on Tuesday October 6,2020. While in Telangana, by-elections to the Dubbak Assembly will take place due to the death of sitting legislator Solipeta Ramalinga Reddy of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS). BJP has named candidates for all the 28 seats in Madhya Pradesh where Subedar Singh Rajodha is placed from the Joura constituency, Kamlesh Jatav from Ambah, Tulsiram Silawat from Sanwer, Bisahulal Singh from Anuppur and Suresh Dhakad from Pohari. M Raghunandan Rao has been fielded on the Dubbak Assembly seat. Give your opinion on comment box.
Why Muscles breakdown due to exercise Many of the people go for regular exercise but sometimes they feel that their muscles are paining they think this is due to over exercise but it is wrong, there are many factors for muscle paining. 1. Muscle pains in beinging of exercise There are many people who even start exercise but all of sudden they start to do exercise, they don't even follow any guidelines by experience people. These people's body in stable state before they are going to start exercising when they start exercises their muscles are disturbed due to these disturbance some of the muscles would breakdown and some of them are replaced their positions due to this their muscles get pained. 2. Muscle pain due to over weight. During exercises people going to lift weights in gyms or in home by any means, if they lift particular weights doesn't problem but sometimes they lift weights behind their ability it leads to severe muscle pain. If we lift weights o...